Growing old is a gift
Aging on your terms requires a plan
Let's design a plan together

History and Philosophy

The joyous, exuberant redhead in the picture was the driving force and the reason ElderCare Transitions, LLC came into being. In 2010, I was working in a skilled nursing facility and managing the care of my parents. The round trip distance from my home to work to their home and back to my home was 85 miles - and I was driving it every other day. It became clear this wasn't a workable solution - my mother was in the early stages of dementia and my father needed help with her care. I left my job and formed ElderCare Transitions - to help families find "home".

I strongly believe that "home" is a safe, comfortable setting where an individual - or a couple - can continue to experience love, friendship, joy, and laughter. Sometimes, arrangements can be made to modify their home and find caregivers that can allow that to happen in their own home. Sometimes, transitioning to a new place to call "home" is necessary.

When I established ElderCare Transitions, I was determined to help my elder clients and their families work through the challenges, the concerns -and sometimes, the fears - of re-defining "home". I continue to focus on encouraging my clients to focus on what they can do and can be. Growing older is a GIFT to share with family and friends. My goal is to allow that to happen.

Need Practical Help?

There are many aspects to consider when we thinking about the aging process. While aging itself is a natural process, it still requires a plan – a thoughtful, thorough plan

If you can think back to any major life decision – buying a home, sending a child to college, changing jobs – all decisions were made with careful consider of many factors. You didn’t proceed through the process hoping it would go well. Hope is NOT a strategy!

Sometimes, help is needed in determining:

  • Is the home physically safe or can modification be made to improve both safety and function?
  • Is the elderly loved one capable of managing monies/medications?
  • Is the elderly loved one eating well and remaining physically and mentally active?
  • Are you accessing all the available community resources?
  • Are Powers of Attorney, Advanced Directives, etc. in place to insure the elderly loved one’s wishes will be carried out?

The list could go on and on. ElderCare Transitions can offer information and if necessary, referrals.

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